VMware Aria Automation: Orchestration and Extensibility (VMVRAOE)
During this five-day course, you focus on using VMware Aria Automation Orchestrator™ to extend the functionality of VMware Aria Automation™. You learn how to provide XaaS (Anything as a…
VMware Aria Automation: Advanced Topics (VMAAAT)
This four-day course is a follow-on to the VMware Aria Automation: Install, Configure, Manage course. During this course, you will take a deeper dive into advanced topics using features…
VMware Cloud Foundation: Troubleshooting (VMVCFT)
This three-day training course provides the advanced knowledge, skills, and tools to achieve competency in troubleshooting problems in VMware Cloud Foundation™ infrastructure. In this course you are exposed to…
Migrating to VMware Cloud Foundation (VMMVCF)
This three-day course is designed to provide VMware vSphere® administrators with the knowledge and hands-on experience in managing VMware Cloud Foundation™ in a hybrid cloud environment and utilizing VMware…
VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle: Install, Configure, Manage. (VMVASLICM)
This two-day, hands-on training course focuses on installing, configuring, and managing VMware Aria Suite LifecycleTM, which manages products such as VMware Aria OperationsTM and VMware Aria OperationsTM for Logs,…
VMware Aria Operations for Networks: Install, Configure and Manage. (VMVAONICM)
This two-day, hands-on course gives you the skills to deploy and use VMware Aria Operations™ for Networks to ensure an optimized, highly available, and secure infrastructure for your applications….
VMware vRealize Automation: Orchestration and Extensibility (VMRAOE)
During this vRealize Automation five-day course, you focus on using VMware vRealize® Orchestrator™ to extend the functionality of VMware vRealize® Automation™. You learn how to provide XaaS (Anything as…
VMware Cloud Director: Deploy, Configure, Manage (VMCICM)
In this five-day course, you focus on installing, configuring, and managing on-premises VMware Cloud Director 10.5.1. You will learn how to set up and manage VMware Cloud Director, including…
VMware Cloud Foundation: Deploy, Configure, Manage (VMCFPMO)
This five-day training course provides you with the knowledge, skills, and abilities to achieve competence with VMware Cloud Foundation 5.0. This course teaches you how deploy VMware Cloud Foundation,…
VMware Aria Operations for Logs: Install Configure Manage (VMAOLICM)
This three-day course features hands-on training that focuses on deploying, configuring, and managing VMware Aria Operations™ for Logs 8.12. You will learn the UI enhancements, features, architecture, use cases,…
VMware Aria Automation: Install Configure Manage (VMAAICM)
During this five-day course, you focus on installing, configuring, and managing VMware Aria Automation 8.10™ on-premises systems. You learn how it can be used to automate the delivery of…