BAPO Business Analysis for Product Owners

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Product Ownership Analysis (POA) is a researched and studied discipline with a set of practices, processes, and procedures to create successful outcomes. This IIBA's Product Ownership Analysis Certification Program recognizes the integration of Business Analysis and Product Ownership with an Agile mindset to maximizing value. It provides the opportunity to acquire essential POA concepts needed to navigate the challenges associated with creating successful products.
More and more a product owner moves from the “voice of the customer” towards “voice of the business” and therefore should perform the role of the business analyst before, during and after the product development and product implementation. The product owner as

• the “voice of the business” is building the business case and then ensuring that the solution stays aligned with the product roadmap and business goals. Performs benefit management. Ultimately the product owner wants to make sure the solution provides value to the organization and the customer and stays in line with the vision for the product.
• the “voice of the customer”, is typically assigned to the project team and works with the team on every aspect of development of requirements, designing the solution and the features of the solution, testing the solution.

A successful product owner requires

• a vision of the whole project and analytical skills to help with reflection on the progress being made,
• backlog prioritisation skills,
• the skills of eliciting, analysing, and communicating findings; prioritising outcomes, analysing the needs of the stakeholder, creating business cases, designing a solution, defining features and user stories, facilitating the work of the team and seeking feedback from the consumer,
• benefit management skills to create a realistic business case and update the business case at the end of each plant release
• facilitating skills for a conversation about what is being done and what should be done differently using the findings provided,
• defining acceptance tests strategies and acceptance criteria
• change management skills to successfully implement the solution in the organisation

In this unique workshop each participant learns the various business analysis skills needed by a product owner to successfully perform “the view of the business” activities before, during and after the product development


• Business Analysts
• Product Owners
• Project Managers

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“The voice of the business”

• Why does a product owner needs business analysis skills
• The business analysis approach in an Agile development environment
• Business analysis skills needed
• Type of Requirements
Business Strategy analysis & management

• Mission, vision, strategy
• Finding, analysing and documenting improvement initiatives
• Portfolio Management
• Kaizen
Benefit Management

• Business case development
• Managing benefits during the project and product life cycle
Needs analysis

• Root Cause analysis
• Impact analysis
• Updating your business case
• Presenting your findings
Solution design

• Capturing solution design options
• Perform feasibility study
• Solution proposal
• Identify and write Epics
• Identify and write Features
• Identify and write User Stories
• Update the business case
Solution development

• Select the right approach
Tools and techniques to elicite product requirements

• developing prototypes
• product evaluation techniques
• developing functional design
• process modelling
• use case modelling
• data modelling
Validating the solution to be implemented

• Creating and execution User test ‘test scenario's
• Developing user test ‘test cases'
• Acceptance testing

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Engelsk/norsk materiell , englesk/norsk kursholder