HPE_H0DV9S NCSP Boot Camp Certification

Kurskode: HPE_H0DV9S Kategorier: ,

Digital Transformation

• Explain what it means to “become digital”

• Discuss the difference between industrial and digital era


• Explain how cybersecurity supports an organization's


Understanding Cyber Risks

• Explain the cyber risk equation

• Identify and explain each component of the cyber risk


• Describe the basics of a risk assessment

NIST Cybersecurity Framework Fundamentals

• Explain the genesis of the NIST-CSF

• List and describe the components of the NIST-CSF

• Describe each of the NIST-CSF's objectives

Core Functions, Categories and Subcategories • Understand
and explain

– Core functions

– Framework categories

– Informative references

Implementation Tiers and Profiles

• Understand and explain Implementation Tier terms and

their use

• Understand and explain each Implementation Tier

• Understand and describe the three risk categories

• Understand and explain Profiles and their use

• Understand and describe the use of Profiles when

– Determining gaps

– Identifying and prioritizing focus areas

Cybersecurity Improvement

• Understand and explain how an organization can

approach the adoption and adaptation of the NIST-CSF

• Understand and describe how to implement cybersecurity

controls using an incremental improvement approach

• Understand and describe CIIS as a practice within an


Chapter 1: Course Introduction

• Course organization

• Setting the stage

Chapter 2: Digital Transformation

• DX as a practitioner

• DX in the context of cybersecurity

• Cybersecurity as a DX catalyst

Chapter 3: Threat Landscape

• Threat actors: Agile and Creative

• Attacks

• Challenges

• Organizational response to threat landscape

• Absolute prevention not possible

Chapter 4: The Controls

• Initiation and basic

• Foundation

• Organizational and recovery

Chapter 5: Adopt and Adapt

• The context of adopt and adapt

• Cybersecurity and culture

• Where we are

Chapter 6: Adaptive Way of Working

• Introduction to adaptive way to work

• How to get started

Chapter 7: Rapid Adoption and Rapid Adaptation FastTrack™

• Rapid adoption

• Rapid adaptation

Chapter 8: CIIS as a Practice

• Ongoing practice of cybersecurity

• NIST 7-step improvement

• Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC)

• Integrate cybersecurity

Upon completion of this course, students
will have:• The skills and abilities to design, build,
test, manage and improve a cybersecurity
program based on the NCSF • The knowledge to prepare for the
NSCP Boot Camp exam (Foundation +


• Candidates looking to pursue a career in
cybersecurity • IT, cybersecurity and digital transformation
design and implementation engineers • IT, cybersecurity and digital transformation
technical operations and business analysts • IT, cybersecurity and digital transformation
specialists including pen testers, ethical
hackers, software and application developers,
auditors, and investigators

Candidates must have a reasonable amount of
cyber security awareness and/or experience.

H0DV9S (hpe.com)

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