PTO Masterclass: Purple Team Operations

Kurskode: PTO Kategorier: ,

This is a deep dive course on Purple Team Operations: the cyber kill chain – reconnaissance, attack planning and delivery, system exploitation, privilege escalation and lateral movement, anomalies detection, discovery of industry attacks and threats, understanding how compromised system or solution looks like, defining the indicators of the attack, and incident handling.

On completion of this course you will be able to:

• Analyze emerging trends in attacks
• Identify areas of vulnerability within your organization
• Prepare a risk assessment for your organization
• Report and recommend countermeasures
• Develop a threat management plan for your organization
• Organize Red Team – Blue Team exercises


Red team and blue team members, enterprise administrators, infrastructure architects, security professionals, systems engineers, network administrators, IT professionals, security consultants and other people responsible for implementing network and perimeter security. To attend this training, you should have a good understanding of basic security concepts, as well as, good hands-on experience in working with Windows and Linux infrastructure (as administrator or developer). At least 5 years in the field is recommended.

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Module 1: Identifying Areas of Vulnerability
This part introduces the new cybersecurity challenges and trends, emphasizing on data security and integration through and into the cloud and the challenges of the coordination of the cloud and on-premise security solutions. Security is a business enabler, and it is only when it is viewed from a business perspective that we can truly make the right decisions. You will learn how to define values of your company which needs to be protected or restricted. You will know how to find obvious and not so obvious sensitive information which can be monetized by adversaries. Having that scope defined and knowing your resources you will know where the biggest gaps in your security posture are.
1. Defining the assets which your company needs to protect
2. Defining the other sensitive information that needs to be protected
Module 2: Modern Attack Techniques
In this world where most of the things happen online, hacking provides wider opportunities for the hackers to gain unauthorized access to the unclassified information like credit card details, email account details, and other personal information. So, every red teamer and blue teamer should know the modern hacking techniques that are commonly used to get your personal information in an unauthorized way.
1. OS platform threats and attacks
2. Web based threats and attacks
3. E-mail threats and attacks
4. Physical access threats and attacks
5. Social threats and attacks
6. Wireless threats and attacks
Module 3: Reconnaissance
The term Cyber Kill Chain defines the steps used by cyber attackers in today's cyber based attacks. The reconnaissance is the first phase, during which the attacker gathers information on the target before the actual attack starts. The data gathering is essential skill of every red teamer. From blue teamer perspective, it is crucial to understand what kind of information is publicly available and to learn how to protect that information.
1. Open Source Intelligence (OSINT)
2. Google hacking
3. Social Media presence
4. DNS
5. Shodan
6. Physical reconnaissance
7. Port scanning
8. Service discovery
10. Intrusion Prevention Systems
Module 4: Weaponization
After successful data gathering, advanced attacker will prepare dedicated tools and attacks scenarios to increase chances of successful attack. For example, known vulnerability in identified product could be exploited in order to execute remote code or spawn remote shell into internal network.
1. Generating malicious payload
2. Hiding malicious content in Office Suite documents
3. Reverse shells
4. Metasploit
5. Empire
6. AV evasion techniques
Module 5: Delivery
Without remote code execution vulnerability even the most sophisticated payload needs to be delivered to the victim. There are plenty of ways to achieve that so blue team needs to ensure that payloads are detected and blocked at early stage.
1. Building phishing campaign
2. Planting malicious device
3. Attacks on 3rd parties
4. Enabling phishing protection
5. O365 / Safe links
6. Smart Screen
7. Secure proxy
8. Sinkholing
9. APT campaigns
Module 6: Exploitation and Installation
After successful delivery, malicious code exploits a vulnerability to execute code on victim's system. There are many mechanisms that, if properly configured, significantly reduce attack scope.
1. Types of vulnerabilities
2. Establishing foothold
3. Stage-less and staged payloads / C&C
4. Anti-Virus
5. Firewall
6. Application Whitelisting
8. Living Off the Land Binaries
9. Exploit Guard
10. AMSI
Module 7: Privilege escalation
The successful exploitation attack often results in code execution with limited privileges. Both, red teamers and blue teamers should be familiar with common techniques and misconfigurations allowing for privilege escalation.
1. Privileged accounts
2. System services security
3. Common misconfigurations
4. Security tokens
5. Just Enough Administration
6. Patch maintenance
Module 8: Lateral movement
The next after gaining admin privileges on single host is lateral movement that gives access to additional resources within the company. Before red teamer can reach Domain Controller or other critical servers, blue team can implement numerous protections against that threat.
1. Credential harvesting
2. Mimikatz
3. Network reconnaissance
4. Building network map
5. Responder
6. Pass-the-hash
7. Pass-the-ticket
8. Credential Guard
10. GPO policies
11. Windows ATA
12. Defender ATP
Module 9: Persistency
Even after attack is stopped and contained, the attacker will want to ensure persistency and possibility of returning to compromised host.
1. Sleeping agents
2. Piggybacking on network packets
3. Rootkits
4. Sysinternals
5. Searching for rogue servers
6. Looking for network anomalies

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5 dag(er)


Engelsk/Norsk kursmateriell, Engelsk/Norsk kursholder


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