DATAVIS Data Visualisation and Dashboard design

Kurskode: DATAVIS Kategorier: ,

The amount of data we collect today is endless. To make this data useful for management and other decision makers, we have to process or visualise it first, so that it's readable. Our human brain is visually oriented, which means that data visualisation is a powerful tool to analyze, interpret and share data more quickly. It enables your organisation to quickly identify and respond to changes in customer behaviour, business processes or markets.
In this training course, you will learn how to visualise data effectively, so that important results don't escape your notice. You will work with visualisations yourself and learn to apply design principles directly.

• This course is also practical, so you will work with data hands-on. You will learn to choose the most appropriate visualisation form, so your organization can easily read the data and draw the right conclusions.
• This training course is given software-independently and is suitable for any tool you work with (e.g. Cognos, PowerBI, SAS, Tableau or Excel)
• This course teaches the insight into what makes a user-friendly dashboard and the skills to make it readable and comprehensible, so that the right decisions can be made by leaders and management.


This training course is developed for anyone who would like to understand and analyse data more quickly and communicate that data more clearly.

No prior training course or knowledge required.

The training is divided into four parts. Each consists of both theory and practical assignments.
Part 1: Visual and Quantitative Thinking

• What is data visualisation and where does it come from?
• How does our brain process visual information?
• What type of data do we have and how can we best visualize it?
Part 2: Visualising data effectively

• How do you make data easy and understandable to read?
• What are the basic principles and guidelines?
• What are the main pitfalls in data visualisation?
Part 3: Building blocks of data visualizations

• Which basic blocks do data visualisations consist of?
• When is it better to use a table and when a graph?
• What type of table/graph works best in a given situation?
• How do you create a composite visualisation, the management dashboard?
Part 4:

• What is the data visualisation process like?
• Arguing with data, data storytelling.
• Making agreements within your organisation, the data visualization style guide.

BDF, Big Data Fundamentals
DATE, Data and Technology in depth
DATALIT, Data Literacy
VS, Visual Storytelling
ZT, Zakelijk Tekenen