RPA-F UiPath RPA (Robotic Process Automation) Associate

Kontakt oss: Kurs@sgpartner.no

Kurskode: RPA-F Kategorier: ,

This course gives the RPA Developer knowledge and skills related to problem solving, process identification, and building simple automation solutions with UiPath platform components such as UiPath Studio, Robots, and Orchestrator. UiRPA is the first step for professionals who want to build and assess their knowledge and skills towards their journey to become an Advanced RPA Developer, Solution Architect or RPA Architect. This training course will provide the knowledge for the UiPath Certified RPA Associate (UiRPA) exam.
Robotic Process Automation (RPA) enables automating business processes using software robots. Software robots interpret, trigger responses, and communicate with other systems just like humans do. Robotic processes and intelligent automation tools can help businesses improve the effectiveness of services faster and at a lower cost than current methods.

UiRPA is for professionals who want to build, assess, and demonstrate their RPA skills. It is also a recommended foundational level certification to become Advanced RPA Developers, Solution Architects, or RPA Architects:

• Assesses your problem-solving and process identification skills
• Tests your ability to build simple automation solutions
• Suitable for any knowledge worker including Junior RPA Developers, Architects, Solution Architects, Business Analysts, Accountants, college graduates, and others
If you are an experienced RPA Developer, you may skip the associate level.
During the training, the participant will learn:

• Learn the different types of variables that are important in automation of Empire. Think Strings, Integer, Double, Date/Time and Datatable. Datatable is a very important one and extra attention will be paid to this in conjunction with excelen Empire.
• To learn the important control flowl, to know how and when to use which one. These include Assign, while-do, do-while, foreach and switch
• To know the type of workflowste and to know when in particular Sequence and flowcharts are used and how to use them
• Learn the different types of selectors and understand how and in what situation to use which ones, including wildcards and UiExplorer.
• Learn the different options for scrapping data and understand when to use which type and how
• Be able to understand recording options and apply correct type
• Understand how the invoke statement works and how to include arguments
• Understand how to do debugging and when to apply it
• To know and be able to apply the possibility of using packages.
• Become familiar with the Robotic Enterprise Framework


This training is suitable for participants who do not already have knowledge of UiPath;
• Junior RPA Developers
• RPA Developers
• Solution Architects
• Business Analysts
• System Administrators
• College/University Students and/or Graduates
• UiPath and Partner Employees in roles such as Pre-Sales, Services, Support, etc.

The Introduction course is not a requirement for the Foundation course, but it is recommended

• First Encounter
• Variables and datatypes
• Data manipulation
• Regex builder
• Excel en Datatables
• Input/Output actions
• Recording
• Data Scraping
• Selectors
• Project Organisation
• Debugging
• PDF Automation
• Email automation
• Orchestrator for developers
• Robotic Enterprise Framework overview




5 dag(er)


Engelsk/Norsk kursmateriell, Engelsk/Norsk kursholder


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