After completing this course, you will be able to:
• Identify what makes an Angular application SEO-friendly
• Generate commands to create components and services
• Distinguish between the container and presentational components
• Implement server-side rendering using Angular Universal
• Create a web server using Node.js and Express
• Add dynamic metadata to your web application
• Deploy a server-side rendered app to the cloud
• Implement and configure a service worker using Angular PWA
This course is for you if you are an experienced frontend developer who wants to quickly work through examples that demonstrate all the key features of server-side development. You need to have had prior exposure to Angular, as we'll only briefly cover the basics before getting straight to work.
Technical Requirements Hardware:
For the optimal student experience, we recommend the following hardware configuration:
• Processor: i3
• Memory: 2 GB RAM
• Hard disk: 10 GB
• An internet connection Software:
• Operating System: Windows 10
• Node 8.9.0 or higher
• npm 5.5.1 or higher
• Git
• Internet Browser: Google Chrome (latest version)
Lesson 1: Creating the Base Application
• Installing Angular CLI
• Creating a New Application
• Configuring Global Styles
• Creating the UI for the Application
• Creating the App Logic
Lesson 2: Server-Side Rendering
• Generating the Universal Code
• Enabling Support for Lazy Loading
• Building the Server
• Adding Dynamic Metadata
• Deploying to Production
Lesson 3: Service Workers
• Installing Angular PWA
• Configuring the Service Worker
• Testing the Service Worker
• Debugging the Service Worker
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