Sterling B2B Integrator Administration and Tuning course guides you through managing user accounts, designingdashboard themes for the user accounts, and tuning business processes and the Sterling B2B Integration Suite server to meet your system performance requirements. You will also learn about sizing performance problems and the tools to monitor and diagnose these problems.
After completing this course, students should be able to:
• Identify and solve basic performance related problems.
• Identify potential performance problems areas in the Sterling B2B Integrator architecture.
• Manage Sterling B2B Integrator permissions, user accounts, and groups.
• Describe the purpose of the Dashboard panes and portals and configure the Dashboard.
• Explain the concepts, design methods, issues, best practices and guidelines to create and implement the business processes.
• Describe Mailbox Management in Sterling B2B Integrator.
• Explain different performance issues and identify its sources.
• Use the Performance Tuning Utility to test a system and to adjust performance parameters to increase performance.
• Elaborate the procedure to manually modify properties to increase performance.
• Explain the procedure to capture and analyze Performance Statistics Report and define the steps to configure thread dumps.
• Use the Sterling B2B Integrator Troubleshooter utility to troubleshoot and analyze problems.
• Use monitoring and diagnostic tools to monitor system status and identify errors on a server.
• Use services to maintain clean up the Sterling B2B Integrator system.
• Explain the usage of schedules in Sterling B2B Integrator.
System administrators, developers, testers,supporters and performance tuners.
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Course Overview Duration: 30 minutes
• Describe the course objectives.
• Outline the course agenda.
• Understand how to use the training materials.
Lesson 1. Performance Overview Duration : 1 hour
• Define the basic performance terminologies.
• Describe the different factors that affect the performance, and concepts to resolve the performance problems.
Exercise 1. Performance Overview Duration : 1 hour
• Lab environment setup
• Stop and Start Sterling B2B Integrator.
• Match the performance term.
Lesson 2. Architecture and Performance Duration : 2 hours 30 minutes
• Describe the Sterling B2B Integrator system hierarchy and components.
• Describe high-level Sterling B2B Integrator architecture and identify potential problem areas.
• Identify potential performance problem areas in the Sterling B2B Integrator architecture.
Lesson 3. Installation and Configuration Duration : 2 hours
• Maintain installation checklist
• Install IBM® Sterling B2B Integrator on your workstation
• Validate the installation
• Describe the methods to set up, monitor, and start and stop the Adapter containers.
Lesson 1. Accounts Duration : 1 hour
• Describe the password policy.
• Manage passwords, permissions, user accounts, and groups.
• Explain roles-based security.
• Usage of system news and my account option.
Exercise 1. Accounts Duration : 1 hour
• Create the password policy.
• Create permission
• Create a Group.
• Create a user account to test group
• Create user news message.
Lesson 2. Sterling B2B Integrator Dashboard Duration : 2 hours
• Describe the Sterling B2B Integrator Dashboard.
• Configure the Dashboard.
Lesson 3. Business Process Design Issues Duration : 1 hour
• Describe basic business process concepts.
• Monitor and manage business processes.
• Set performance-related options on the check-in screen.
• Manually run a business process and track results.
• List guidelines and best practices for business process design and efficient processing.
• Describe the thread monitor function.
• Explain the guidelines for large file handling.
Exercise 3. Business Process Design Issues Duration : 2 hours
• Persistence level business process.
• Document Storage Settings.
• Monitor invoke mode configuration
• Using message tags.
• Sleep Service.
Lesson 4. Mailbox Management Duration : 30 minutes
• Describe Sterling B2B Integrator mailboxes
• Add and view data in a mailbox
• Extract data from a mailbox
• Describe the impact of mailbox in Sterling B2B Integrator performance
Exercise 4. Mailbox Management Duration: 30 minutes
• Locate mailboxes in Sterling B2B Integrator.
Lesson 1. Performance Overview Duration : 30 minutes
• Describe common problem symptoms.
• List problem isolation methods to use to help identify areas of concern.
• Identify most likely sources of specific trouble.
• Identify database performance issues.
• Analyze memory and cache related issues.
Exercise 1. Performance Overview Duration: 30 minutes
• Create JDBC report.
• Generate Statistics Report
Lesson 2. Performance Tuning Utility Duration : 1 hour 30 minutes
• Describe the function of the Performance Tuning Utility.
• List the values needed to start the Performance Tuning Utility.
• Distinguish default values from calculated values on the performance settings page.
• Use the Performance Tuning Utility to adjust performance parameters to enable Sterling B2B Integrator to run more efficiently business scenarios.
Exercise 2. Performance Tuning Utility Duration : 30 minutes
• View Initial performance settings.
• Working with performance tuning utility.
Lesson 3. Manual Performance Tuning Duration : 1 hour
• Identify the main areas of Sterling B2B Integrator where manual tuning can be applied.
• List the most common properties files to change.
• Modify key properties files to tune various aspects of Sterling B2B Integrator.
• Identify the functions that help troubleshoot a problem.
Exercise 3. Manual Performance Tuning Duration : 30 minutes
• Overriding Property File Settings.
• Queue Watcher.
• Disable Passphrase.
Lesson 4. Performance Statistics Report Duration : 1 hour
• Describe the function of the Performance Statistics Report.
• Enable performance statistics and create a Performance Statistics Report.
• Identify the fields in a Performance Statistics Report.
• Use the Performance Statistics Report to analyze business processes and system process activity.
• Change the business processes and performance parameters and view the results in the Performance Statistics Report.
• Follow the performance tuning methodology to identify performance problems.
• Describe the function of JVM Monitors.
• Define steps to configure the thread dumps on various operating systems.
• Explain reading thread dumps.
Exercise 4. Performance Statistics Report Duration : 30 minutes
• Create Performance Statistics Report
• Deleting Performance Statistics Reports
Lesson 1. Troubleshooter Duration : 30 minutes
• View Database Usage, Services, and Pools.
• View BP Queue, Usage statistics, and State information.
• Resume, restart, or terminate a BP.
• View system classpath and JNDI tree information.
• View the cleanup process.
• View environment statistics, including cache and memory used.
• View Remote Perimeter Server information if present.
Exercise 1. Troubleshooter Duration : 30 minutes
• Pool connection.
Lesson 2. Monitoring and Diagnostic Tools Duration : 1 hour 30 minutes
• Identify the most commonly used System Logs and their contents.
• Identify the most commonly used System Reports.
• Explain about Message Monitor to check messages.
Exercise 2. Monitoring and Diagnostic Tools Duration : 1 hour 30 minutes
• Read the FTP Server Adapter.
• Accessing FTP Server Through Secured Layer.
• Check in the AT_produce and AT_consume business process.
• Run the AT_Produce Business Process with InventoryOf11.xml.
• Create an Unsuccessful Message.
Lesson 3. Maintenance and Cleanup Duration : 1 hour 30 minutes
• Index Business Process service
• Archive Business Process service
• Purge service
• Purge Business Process Linkage service
• BPRecovery service
Exercise 3. Maintenance and Cleanup Duration : 1 hour 30 minutes
• View Scheduled Services
• Archive to an Offline Location
• Restore Archived Business Process Data Offline
• Import and Export Using Resource Tags
Lesson 4. Scheduling Duration : 15 minutes
• Describe scheduling basics.
• Explain different phases in creating schedules
• Explain the procedure to enable, disable and delete schedules
• Explain the steps to set up schedules for reports and stand-alone services.
Exercise 4. Scheduling Duration : 15 minutes
• Create a Report Schedule.
Lesson 5. Scripts Duration : 30 minutes
• Explain the importance of the scripts in Sterling B2B Integrator.
Exercise 5. Scripts Duration : 30 minutes
• Create Database Details.
Course Wrap Up Duration : 30 minutes
• Explain how the course met its learning objectives.
• Submit an evaluation of the class.
• Identify other IBM learning courses related to this topic.
• Locate appropriate resources for further study.
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