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This course is intended for the following participants:
• Cloud professionals who intend to take the Professional Cloud Architect certification exam.
To get the most out of this course, participants should:
• Knowledge and experience with GCP, equivalent to GCP Architecting Infrastructure
• Knowledge of cloud solutions, equivalent to GCP Design and Process
• Industry experience with cloud computing
Module 1: Understanding the Professional Cloud Architect Certification
Establish basic knowledge about the certification exam and eliminate any confusion or misunderstandings about the process and nature of the exam itself. Topics covered:
• Position the Professional Cloud Architect certification among the offerings
• Distinguish between Associate and Professional
• Provide guidance between Professional Cloud Architect and Associate Cloud Engineer
• Describe how the exam is administered and the exam rules
• Provide general advice about taking the exam
Module 2: Sample Case Studies
In-depth review of the Case Studies provided for exam preparation. Topics covered:
• JencoMart
• MountKirk Games
• Dress4Win
• TerramEarth
Module 3: Designing and Implementing
Tips and examples covering design and implementation skills that could be tested on the exam. Topics covered:
• Review the layered model from Design and Process
• Provide exam tips focused on business and technical design
• Designing a solution infrastructure that meets business requirements
• Designing a solution infrastructure that meets technical requirements
• Design network, storage, and compute resources
• Creating a migration plan
• Envisioning future solution improvements
• Resources for learning more about designing and planning
• Configuring network topologies
• Configuring individual storage systems
• Configuring compute systems
• Resources for learning more about managing and provisioning
• Designing for security
• Designing for legal compliance
• Resources for learning more about security and compliance
Module 4: Optimizing and Operating
Tips and examples covering business processes, technical, optimization for security, performance, cost, and ongoing operations and reliability. Topics covered:
• Analyzing and defining technical processes
• Analyzing and defining business processes
• Resources for learning more about analyzing and optimizing processes
• Designing for security
• Designing for legal compliance
• Resources for learning more about security and compliance
• Advising development/operation teams to ensure successful deployment of the solution
• Resources for learning more about managing implementation
• Easy buttons
• Playbooks
• Developing a resilient culture
• Resources for learning more about ensuring reliability
Module 5: Next Steps
Highlght learning resources. Topics covered:
• Present Qwiklabs Challenge Quest for the Professional CA
• Identify Instructor Led Training courses and what they cover that will be helpful based on skills that might be on the exam
• Connect candidates to individual Qwiklabs, and to Coursera individual courses and specializations.
• Review/feedback of course
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